Capturing Creativity
The world is filled with all kind of expressions of creativity.
From the design of a car we are driving, to the location we are living and to the music we are listening. The list of examples is endless, but for some reason regularly people are not aware of creativity being included in their lives. When it has been noticed, we only seem to have our opinion about the final product (paintings, clothes, movies, songs, etc.). In our opinion the entire process of creating is more important than the final product. It makes us able to put things into perspective and above all: understand the artist and the choices which have been made.
With ‘Capturing Creativity’, Mike Warrink (owner & writer) and Henk Warrink (Photographer) are researching the roots of creativity. By meeting people who are participating in all forms of the creative sector, they are trying to get an answer to a crucial question:
What is your definition of creativity?
Participants so far: Erik de Zwart, Frederik de Groot, Rebecca Loebe, Pierce Brothers, Paulette Kooijman, Anton Corbijn, Nadieh Burgman Kroon, Iris Penning, Rico Neeter, Jeanne Rouwendaal, Steve McCurry. Danny Vera, George Baker, Nielson, Anna Rune, Ianthe Wolkers & Noé Mensink.
For more info: visit the website of Capturing Creativity